Unify your family around a beautiful vision

Join the list and get access to 6-weeks of emails that will lead you and your family through intentional vision-casting exercises and help you craft your own Family Creed.

Define Priorities

A Family Creed is a predetermined rubric that makes hard decisions easier.

Foster Belonging

A Family Creed unifies your tribe with common language and shared identity.

Cast Vision

A Family Creed provides direction and unites your tribe with a common goal.

Maybe you’re like 95% of the parents I surveyed who said they want to create a values or mission statement for their family, but don’t know where to start. Or maybe you’re one of the 7/10 families who, according to Barna, have a general set of family values but have yet to write the out. 


Well, let’s start today and do it together! In this free, six-week email series, I’ll walk you through a thoughtful, step-by-step process for creating your own Family Creed.