A Prayer Guide For Girl Moms

This year, several of my close friends have given birth to baby girls (or will very soon). Of course, all babies are an incredible gift from God, but as a mama to two daughters, I’ve been extra sentimental lately about these new little princesses.


As a woman, there is just something special and extra fun about raising daughters — I mean bring on ALL the bows and ruffles! At our house we are counting down the days until we are all “grown up” enough to do mother-daughter pedicures. Yet, at the same time, raising daughters today can feel absolutely daunting. I feel like I’m barely beginning to find confidence in what it means to be a true woman of God. How am I supposed to raise up daughters who will be strong and grounded enough navigate a complicated, digital-first where the meaning of “female” is completely subjective? As weighty as it is, I am unspeakable honored and grateful for the opportunity to care for two of His most cherished creations. I know my friends with new baby girls, feel the very same.


Our girls will one day be beautiful women making a difference in the live of others, and someday they may even mamas themselves. I want to do everything I can to shepherd my daughter’s hearts toward Jesus and give them a foundation that yields a humble confidence, a deep compassion for others, and a great courage. I know that I must keep my eyes locked on Jesus myself — both on the days when I’m feeling motivated and capable and on the days when I feel defeated and completely exhausted.


With both the sweet days and hard days of motherhood in mind, I wrote a short devotional for mamas of baby girls.  To download, please click below. Each page includes a letter to your daughter and guided prayer. I pray you find them helpful and encouraging especially on the days you need help re-orienting yourself to the Father (I know I need to often!)


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